Tuesday, 17 August 2010

We Made It!!!!

Well Doodle Schmoodlers, you made it to the last day.  Well Done!!  Can I say that I have enjoyed seeing all the totally AWESOME doodles you have all completed.  They are truly truly brilliant.  If you have only just cottoned on to the Doodle Schmoodle Challenge, pop over to the Flick Pool to have a look at all this Awesomeness!!

Now if you have withdrawal symptons you could join this Flickr group who are Making Mandalas!  Check out the messages and you will see the prompts.

So on to todays doodle.  It's one of my loves....V-Dubs

Happy Last Doodle everyone!!

Oh and just a quick word, I would love to see new people catching up on these doodles so don't think because we have finished that it has ended!  I will be popping back to the Flickr Group to see any new doodles and will definately be posting some more montage picces on here :)

And that leaves me with only one thing to say....I'll miss you guys!!


  1. Whaaaaaa....This has been SO fun. Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you. Doodle Schmoodle made my summer.

  2. I'm quite behind on my doodles but managed to post up day 18 this morning! Still loving taking part, even if I'm a bit slow, so will continue to draw away until I've finished.

    Love the Mandalas idea too.

    Elaine x

  3. Awe!! thanks for promoting Making Mandalas!! I have to do 3 doodles to catch up. this was so fantastic for me. You will never know! It got my creative juices flowing and challenged me to create something everyday. Thank you so much!! Nadine :D
