Thursday 2 September 2010

Doodle Words

I just couldn't leave the doodle challenges completely behind so here is another one.

This time I will not be posting everyday, here is the list of doodle words.  The aim of the game is to complete all 50 words at your own pace and in any order using whatever medium you like, just make sure when you load the images to flickr pool that you title them with the number and word.  There are no rules, just go where your imagination takes you.

Have fun and pass it on :)

Oh yeah, and sorry if there are any spelling mistakes!


  1. Ooooooh I'm gonna try to do this one. Not making any promises though :)

  2. Yay, I'll join you! Baby decided to make his appearance a few days into the last one so I only managed a couple of days!

  3. im gonna attempt this too, just tweeted it for ya! still working my way through the 2 weeks i missed of the doodle challenge :)

    Kellie xx (itsthelittlethings)

  4. So, so gonna do this! I was after something else to be doing and I couldn't afford an online class so this is perfect! Thanks so much! :D

  5. Thought I'd commented earlier but it's not here! Looks great, I haven't finished doodle schmoodle yet but am still working on it! Guess it's never too late. Squidge is one of my favourite words too!

  6. Yes please - I'll join in and try and make a better effort this time. Think I only managed a very poor 4 doodles for the last one. Another great idea - thanks ;)

  7. lookin forward to gadzooks :)

  8. I am SO game. I have been doodling at all lately; I really miss it!

  9. Thanks for inviting me - this is a neat challenge that will help me gain some focus.. trying to figure out what word I will use first ;-)
